

     Department of Electrical Engineering,     National Chung Cheng University (CCU)     Chiayi , Taiwan 62107,ROC

     Phone:886-5-272-0411 ext 33211      Fax: 886-5-272-0862     E-mail: ieewnl@ccu.edu.tw

Technique reports

  1. 飛彈尋標器影像處理與辨識法則系列設計 (Designs of image processing and recognition algorithms for automatic target recognition system of  missiles”, Technical reports of CSIST (中科院)1991~1996.
  2. 紅外線熱像在醫療輔助診斷之應用 (Applications of infrared thermography on medical diagnostics)”, Technical report of CSIST (中科院)May 1995
  3. 熱像圖形識別技術開發 (Infrared image recognition) (II)”, Technical report of the project sponsored by CSIST (中科院), August 1997.
  4. 視訊會議系統品質改善 (Improvements on video conference systems),” Technical report of the project sponsored by Tranbon Electronics Co., Ltd. (傳邦電子公司), August 1997.
  5. 賴文能等 (March. 1998), “利用紅外線熱像系統進行電子元件線路板檢測之研究,” 中山科學研究院八十七年度軍民通用科技計畫學術合作論文集, pp. 249-261
  6. 賴文能等 (July 1998), “電子線路板熱影像特徵值選取研究,” 八十七年度經濟部委託財團法人資訊工業策進會辦理轉委託學機構研發論文集。